What are the HealthTypes?
Knowing your HealthType is a great first step toward getting healthy and it’s a BIG improvement on the standard, one-size-fits-all health advice out there today.

Take the HealthType Test
Take the HealthType Test FREE now to find out which HealthType you are and download your full 18- page Personalized Health Report in your Health Lounge! Take the Test Now

What is a HealthType?
Scientists have discovered that each of us has a unique code that lies deep inside our body, in-built into our DNA. It’s what is being called our Personal HealthCode™. Your Personal HealthCode™ is 100% unique to you. It’s actually a fancy name for your biological source code that connects with your genes, influences your organ function, determines your hormone levels and emotions, and even communicates with your mind.
Because there are 7.5 billion people on the planet, there are many of us with similar (yet unique) features and functions, and because each Personal HealthCode™ falls into 1 of 6 regions on a chart, then we can collectively refer to people sharing similar biology and physiology as sharing a similar HealthType™.
Exciting thing is we can now access our HealthType™ by doing the groundbreaking HealthType™ Test!
Is this all I need to be healthy?
Knowing your HealthType is a great first step toward getting healthy and it’s a BIG improvement on the standard, one-size-fits-all health advice out there today.
To make your health completely personalised and find out exactly what your Personal HealthCode says about how to get, and stay, in optimal shape, you can do the full 30 minute assessment when you create your ph360 account.
Learn more about ph360, the creators of the HealthType Test.